Connecting a Linode Kubernetes cluster with an Amazon RDS service

First it is my pleasure to state that I love Linode, I can say it is the most wonderful thing I have just stumbled upon on the internet :-)

Question, I have just set up my first Kubernetes cluster, ever, on Linode. I will be connecting it to an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL server. The Kubernetes cluster is in Franfurt and the Amazon RDS PostgreSQL cluster is also in Franfurt. The average ping time between the Linode datacenter and the AWS datacenter is 1.2 ms (compared to 0.4ms within AWS itself). The question, would that 1.2 ms be of any significance in a large scale application (thousands of end users connecting with the API) ? Or would it be better to server the SQL server on Linode?

Thank you.

1 Reply

While there are latency-sensitive applications that require extremely low latency, most of what I'm reading suggests that below 20-40 ms is considered optimal.

That said, it's hard to tell what the real world latency will be. A lot of factors can affect latency and some are more difficult to measure until the application is fully deployed and accessible to end users.

Whichever set up you go with, I'd recommend looking ahead of time for guidance on monitoring or troubleshooting latency on Kubernetes clusters if you're concerned. I found a few resources that may provide more information about that:

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