Error "Refusing to run with the root privileges"

I am doing a Palworld server and there is an error when i am doing it:
"Refusing to run with the root privileges"

How can i fix it?
Can anyone help me please?

1 Reply

I've found a few sources that confirm that this is designed to not work with the root user. We have a general guide about how Users and Groups work in Linux that could help, but I found this discussion on GitHub that is more specific to your issue:

A response to the problem explains that "the Base-Image of SteamCMD is on purpose under the steam usr with 1000, so this cant run under root." It offers this solution:

Create a user on the host with userid 1000, disable the user by giving him no password.
After add this user to the docker group "usermod -aG docker username" i think it was.
Do a fresh install over this user when you have added the user to docker-group if you dont want to do this, then just give him chown or chmod to this directy and try again.

Now, if you're not using Docker, this may require a slightly different fix, but I think the basics should still help you troubleshoot with your specific set up.


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