Unauthorised charges on my account

I cancelled my linode virtual machine and linode continous to take money from me. I tried to delete my account however i was getting a message stating "Sorry, but we were unable to charge your credit card for services rendered. We're not able to cancel this account until the balance has been paid." This is a incredibly annoying issue that I wish to be resolved quickly as it has been going on for a few months now as well as this it has put me in debt im my bank account for no reason Lindoe is taking money from me.

1 Reply

The way our billing system works, we bill for services used in the previous month. So if you have a Linode active from the 1st-8th of the month, we'll invoice you for that service on the 1st of the next month.

Since you're trying to close your account after you've deleted a service that was active, our billing system is attempting to collect the charges accrued for that service. I suggest making a one-time payment in the amount of your current balance so that you're able to close your account.


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