Reboot: host56

Linode Staff

Xenstore (Xen's command line management tool's internal configuration database) became corrupt, preventing Linodes from booting successfully, and the only way out of it is to restart all the domains.

Linodes are booting up now…


3 Replies

Caker, i'm sure you know this already, but my job queue says the "lassie initiated boot" failed, whereas the "host initiated restart" succeeded. Also, the "host initiated restart" is dated 01/04/1974. I received the same two messages during the last host reboot back in December.

Thats cause when caker's restarted the host, its automaticly put ur linode to boot, but between the boot job getting queued and it getting started, LASSIE has detected that your linode is down, and queued a boot job of its own..

Ah, okay, makes sense. Thanks, Internat.


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