How do I manage my database? ...starting from the dashboard?

I cannot find a way to manage my database from the new (Akamai) dashboard

3 Replies

What kind of DB are you managing?

There are a handful of guides that can walk you through the process of managing/accessing your database:

You would just select the database you are using out of the list of databases mentioned there, and then it will redirect you to a list of guides which cover everything from "how to install" or "getting started" to setting up security for your database.

If you have not yet deployed a database, you can find a list of databases via the One-Click Application Marketplace here:

Hope that helps!


I had deployed my database a long time ago (MySql) and it worked well and I could connect to it until the acquisition - checked the connection a couple of months ago. Do you respect the linode's obligations or you just wipe everything clean and whatever happens to your customers you expect them to stay with you?
BTW: your billing works just fine - no interruptions

Managed Databases (DBaaS) is currently on a hiatus for product development, so customers that did not have an active database when this decision was made are not able to deploy new Managed Databases at this time. Additionally, customers that fall into this category do not see the Databases tab within Cloud Manager.

For more information about this decision and the link to signup for notification once it returns, be sure to visit the links below:

Otherwise, as our way to limit destructive action, our Support Team does not delete or modify existing services on an account. This has not changed following our acquisition, so opening a ticket with our Support Team would be the best way to address services that have stopped working or seemingly disappeared.


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