How do i delete a lenode and reduce shared ram?

I attempted to delete a linode, and it asked me to enter the label name which I did and confirmed but the service is back again…the same applies to reducing the amount of ram.

Could you please advice on what I am not doing correctly?

1 Reply

This is definitely an issue that you can open a Support Ticket for and we can look at the specifics of your account.

That said, my guess would be that you have an active LKE Cluster, which would explain why the node is coming back. Kubernetes is self-healing and will recreate nodes that are destroyed when it's configured to have a certain number of nodes.

You can tell if the node is part of an LKE cluster because it will start with the letters "lke" followed by some numbers. To delete an LKE node, you have a few options but it depends on your specific situation.

If you're done with the cluster entirely, you can delete the cluster from Cloud Manager.

If you're done with the Node Pool, but not the Cluster, you can remove a node pool from Cloud Manager as well.

If you want to remove a node while leaving everything else as is, you may need to take steps to update some configurations, but ultimately you can delete a specific node with the API or CLI.

We have a collection of LKE Documentation that could help you figure out what specifically needs to be done based on how you've configured and managed your cluster.

If the node name doesn't start with LKE, then you should definitely reach out to the Support team so we can help you figure out what's wrong.


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