How to deal with such a limited VPS

I have one server going and the 2 vcpu instance is pegged, why is the CPU limits so low? I love the bandwidth but I cant do much without it lagging out and locking up.

1 Reply

Although Shared CPU Plans are cheaper than our Dedicated/Premium CPU Plans, they are susceptible to CPU Steal from other Shared plans. This means that high host loads can impact your CPU performance when your processing has to wait for other Linode's processing to complete.

As noted in the Community post linked above, you can identify CPU Steal by opening a ticket with Support and providing the full output of the following commands:

iostat 1 10
for x in `seq 1 1 30`; do ps -eo state,pid,cmd | grep "^D"; echo "-"; sleep 2; done
top -bn 1 | head -15

This will allow us to investigate and take necessary action to identify potential solutions for your current situation. In situations where your workload is more sensitive to disruption or is a professional production environment, we recommend the use of Dedicated/Premium plans to mitigate these issues.

For more information about the difference of these plans, please be sure to check out the following resources:


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