✓ Solved
Linode Staff
Does Linode DNS support either ALIAS, ANAME, or flattened CNAME records?
The question is in the title. This is for using Linode DNS to point to Netlify. I'm not seeing any of these options, but wanted to make sure before I used the fallback of an A record.
2 Replies
✓ Best Answer
Currently, our Cloud DNS does not support the use of DNS Flattening or allow for the creation of ALIAS/ANAME records, so you would need to fall back to using A Records. That said, I've submitted this as a Feature Request on your behalf so that someday we might be able to add these DNS tools.
Currently seeing the same feature to point to Webflow as it's the only way to achieve dropping the 'www'. Has the feature request had any traction over the last 5 months? Thanks