Just a billing question

Just curious I'm learning Kubernetes and signed up for the bare minimum @ $36 per month. I'm guessing I'm charged that regardless if I hit the storage amount max? I'm at like .30 a day at the moment. Thank you for any insight.

1 Reply

LKE Kubernetes nodes are still fundamentally viewed as normal Linodes when it comes to billing, so they will accrue charges based on their hourly deployment cost until they reach their monthly maximum price once they remain deployed for longer than 28 days. As virtual instances, you are allocated a reserved chunk of storage that is preserved even when the Linode is powered down (not deleted), so any Linode active on your account will still be charged the hourly plan cost even if you are not utilizing the full disk or memory/CPU allocated.

For more information about our billing, be sure to check out our Billing Guide and FAQ linked below:

Please keep in mind that Nodes associated with an LKE cluster will continue to redeploy upon manual deletion *unless its associated Node Pool is deleted or downsized. For information about managing your Node Pools:

One final consideration with LKE Kubernetes is that our system's smallest increment for billing is hourly, so LKE clusters with Autoscaling configured may generate marginally higher costs than static deployments. Although there is not a way to granularly manage LKE Node lifecycles through Cloud Manager, this other Community post I answered goes into detail about ways to potentially script Node lifecycles to maximize hourly value following an autoscale:


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