hello anyone

hello anyone i need to open linode with promo code and show me how to find with this link thank you anyone and good day

1 Reply

You have a couple of options available to you. I just Googled "Linode Promo" and saw a number of results from third-party sites offering promo codes. I wouldn't use one of those, though, since we have a number of landing pages that you can start your signup through to receive a promo. If for some reason the promo isn't provided to your account at signup, you can also add it afterwards.

Most of our promo landing pages are connected to an influencer or other scenario where you may have heard about our services somewhere else. If you don't have one of those available to you, then our Try for Free with $100 Credit | Akamai page would be where you can get started. From that page, you can follow through with the signup process for a new account.

We have seen cases where a promo code hasn't been applied to an account when a browser extension or ad blocker unintentionally interferes with the signup form. If that's the case, you can follow our Add a Promo Code | Linode Docs guide to add the promo yourself, or you can reach out via a Support ticket to get our Support team to get your account sorted out.


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