Why did they Report it

Your recently created account has been denied activation due to activity or patterns associated with fraudulent behavior. Additional attempts to sign up may also be rejected.

they marking my signup like is was fraudulent behavior

you know fraudulent uses real info about me and where I am

if they willing to destroy your dreams of using them by using fake lies to cover up they full of users

Paypal never allowed fraudulent things like payments to fraud info

3 Replies

  1. Every info was right.
  2. Was denied for nothing they said.
  3. I would never gain a PayPal account if I was using it to fraudulent behavior like real payments.
    I ever did was never fraudulent behavior
Linode Staff

If you received a message that your account was canceled during signup, we suggest you fill out the form here and select "I received a Signup Cancellation email when creating an account" from the drop-down menu:


Keep in mind you will only receive a response from us if our original decision is overturned. More information can be found in this post on our Community Questions site titled My signup was flagged as "fraudulent behavior".

Thanks, I will check that link. Or I will contact support.


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