How can i auto restart my server or my php-fpm if its crashed?


I just want to know about one feature that i have heard from some sources that (systemctl) means if php-fp crashed then it will automatically get restart.

I am facing issue regarding php-fpm crashing when max children reached.

I have upgrade mx children setting but no luck.

Its started happening since i had upgraded and updated the server and that time my php also upgrade to php8.2

after i set php8.2-fpm in all my website configuration files from that time my server(php-fpm) got crashing continuously.

So, I need fix on this issue. I had already raised this on linode support but could not find proper response from them.

Thats why i need anything auto restarting setting or command something for restart php-fpm.

Because after restarting php-fpm websites works properly.

Thanks in advanced

1 Reply


Gosh, that is problematic… I can tell that must be really annoying. Do you mind providing more information on your Linode, for example, webserver, crash logs, CPU, RAM, etc?

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For a more direct answer to your question. Try these steps to see if they work. First, access your Linux machine, find your php-fpm unit file, and open it.

For me, it was here

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/php-fpm.service

For Nginx -- Usually, all web servers automatically restart without additional configuration, so the answers to why it isn't restarting will most likely be in the logs file.

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service


sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service

Again, the location differs based on what you've used to set up the website.

Under the "[Service]" section, find "Restart" and "RestartSec." If you don't see it, add them. Please make sure the settings are similar to what I've added below.


Save and exit the editor.

Finally, restart both systemd and php-fpm

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart php-fpm

Restarting on Nginx

sudo systemctl restart nginx


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