Why I am getting error "InvalidAccessKeyId"

I am trying to upload files to my linode storage using backend server (API) and I am getting this error: "InvalidAccessKeyId: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records."

I am sure I have the correct ACCESSKEYID and the SECRETACCESSKEY

1 Reply

Linode Staff

I would first recommend you are specifying the Linode Object Storage endpoint in the correct manner. Here is a link to our guide that lists the correct cluster URL for each region.

Following that, I would recommend ensuring your access key is being set correctly in your implementation. I found a StackExchange post that goes into more detail on this. While it does not apply to Linode Object Storage specifically, it should help illustrate the correct way to use your access key.

Lastly, I found some posts in our Linode Community site where other users were able to receive assistance with similar issues:

While we do not have guides on using the AWS Access Key with Object Storage, I'm including links to our guides for using AWS SDK with both Python and PHP, in the hopes that this may help get things working.


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