Is there any cost of transferring data between Linode in different locations?

For example, I wonder if there is a cost if I send the data from Japan Linode to Singapore Linode.

Looking at the path of the MTR report, I found that they were all Akamai network lines. is the Linode IP address in Singapore.
Of course, the test was conducted in Linode, Japan.

root@localhost:~# mtr -rwbzc10
Start: 2023-11-16T13:32:58+0000
HOST: localhost                                                                  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1. AS???                                                        0.0%    10    0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.0
  2. AS???                                                        0.0%    10    0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.0
  3. AS???                                                         0.0%    10    0.2   0.2   0.1   0.3   0.0
  4. AS63949 (                       0.0%    10    0.4   2.4   0.3  20.7   6.4
  5. AS20940 (                 0.0%    10    0.4   0.4   0.3   0.5   0.1
  6. AS20940 (                 0.0%    10    1.2   1.7   0.7   5.4   1.5
  7. AS20940 (                0.0%    10   76.2  68.2  65.9  76.2   3.3
  8. AS20940 (                0.0%    10   67.1  70.1  67.0  83.5   5.7
  9. AS20940 (                 0.0%    10   68.2  68.2  68.1  68.3   0.1
 10. AS20940 (   0.0%    10   67.6  67.4  67.3  67.6   0.1
 11. AS???                                                         0.0%    10   67.3  67.3  67.2  67.3   0.0
 12. AS???                                                         0.0%    10   68.4  68.5  68.4  68.6   0.0
 13. AS???                                                        0.0%    10   67.8  68.0  67.7  70.1   0.7
 14. AS63949 (                       0.0%    10   67.8  67.8  67.7  67.8   0.0

Except for the internal address of the infrastructure, they are all Akamai networks, and none of them are transmitted outside Akamai.

The reason I have these questions is because of some of the posts in the Linode blog.

"Traffic between Akamai workloads across multiple data centers is free"

5 Replies

UPDATE: Linode Staff Response ↓

Short answer: $0.005/GB

Your monthly network transfer pool is usually sufficient for typical use. You're only charged extra if your usage exceeds set limits. No extra fees apply if one service exceeds its plan's limit, but the total for all services must remain under your monthly pool.

Monthly Network Transfer Pool Preview

As Of 11/16/2023

Usage Costs

Costs associated with network transfer can often be unexpected or confusing in a cloud hosting environment. Linode keeps these costs simple and transparent so that you can easily anticipate your monthly charges.

Free unmetered network transfer:

  • All inbound network transfer
  • Outbound network transfer sent from Compute Instances and NodeBalancers to any Linode service within the same data center, provided the traffic occurs over an IPv6 address, a private VLAN network, or on the private IPv4 address of those services. Public IPv4 addresses, due to the way traffic is routed, is not included in this.

Metered network transfer:

  • Outbound transfer sent from Compute Instances and NodeBalancers to destinations outside of the origin data center (over both IPv6 and IPv4) and within the same data center if a public IPv4 address is used.
  • Outbound transfer from Object Storage (over both public IPv6 and public IPv4), even to other Linode services within the same data center.

All metered network transfer consumed by a service is counted toward either the global network transfer pool or its data center-specific pool (if that region tracks network transfer separately from the global pool). Any additional transfer usage that exceeds this monthly allotment starts at $0.005/GB (or $5/TB) depending on the service’s region (see the table below). Additional transfer usage is charged at the end of the billing period.

Data Center Network Transfer overage cost per GB

  • All data centers (except those listed below): $0.005/GB
  • Jakarta, Indonesia: $0.015/GB
  • São Paulo, Brazil: $0.007/GB

Guides - Network Transfer Usage and Costs

You misunderstand my question, and that's something I know well.
I wonder if there is a network cost between the Linode data centers.
I know that traffic taken out of the Akamai network is of course paid.

I think it's better for the staff to answer

[Redacted]: I'll let Linode Staff answer then. From what I see it depends on the scenarios.

"Outbound transfer sent from Compute Instances and NodeBalancers to destinations outside of the origin data center (over both IPv6 and IPv4) and within the same data center if a public IPv4 address is used."


"Traffic between Akamai workloads across multiple data centers is free, with the lowest price per GB for egress for outbound traffic compared to hyperscalers."

It means that I want to hear an accurate interpretation of the content of "Traffic between Akamai workloads across multiple data centers is free".
This is because data traffic is not sent out of the Akamai network.

The Network Transfer Usage and Costs guide is your source of truth for this subject.

TL;DR… The traffic originating from your Japan Linode going to your Singapore Linode is metered and will deduct from your monthly network transfer pool.


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