Need MySQL to go faster

On my Linode I'm running Ubuntu, Lighttpd, MySQL and PHP5. I've got lots of free RAM. CPU usage is also light. However, I'm having performance issues. I have query_cache and all that other stuff setup, but it's still not fast enough. Part of this is because our forum uses some very inefficient queries. However, I think part of it is just a disk i/o bottleneck. Is there some way to configure MySQL to maybe use more of the free memory to increase performance?

1 Reply

There are all kinds of memory parameters for mysql, and without knowing which ones you're hitting, you don't know which ones to increase.

But even before that, you might set log-slow-queries to see exactly which queries are causing problems, and either fix the queries, or build indices which will help those queries, if not already set. Proper indices can help a lot.


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