How do I allow only my VPN ip address to access SSH on the same server?

Hello, I have a problem with whitelisting my vpn ip address in the linode cloud firewall. I have the following ip: (fake). I add an accept inbound TCP rule:

Protocol: TCP
Ports: SSH 22
Sources: Ip / netmask
Ip / netmask:

The public ip address ( is from my OPENVPN VPS server, which is the same server as where I try to get SSH access to. When I create an accept inbound I cannot connect to SSH.

I want my computer to be connected to the OPENVPN server before I can access SSH on that server.

BTW: I have OPENVPN working by creating a rule for UPD 1194. That connection is working fine.

1 Reply

I got it working by allowing: # last access vpn through ssh ip range # vpn ip range # home ip range

211.*.*.* is what I get when I lookup the last ip address who accessed the server through ssh.

It is not as specific as I would like, but it is better than nothing.
So the question remains, how to whitelist only the vpn ip?


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