No route to host when connecting to TCP server

I wrote a TCP server in Go, hosted on Linode and also a TCP client that connects to my Linode server. Now I am facing an issue: after I had 2000 concurrent client connections to the server, I got this error: "No route to host". I mean, on my local hosted TCP server, I got 100.000 concurrent client connections without any errors.

I left everything as default, I use the Debian 11, the Dedicated 8 GB plan, and the server is located like 5 hours' drive away.

Also, the CPU usage and RAM usage are nothing, I guess it's because of poor network performance, but I don't really know.

1 Reply

If memory and RAM usage are low, it's possible that there is either a network routing issue or a disruptive firewall setting. You had specified using a Dedicated CPU Linode, but you can rule out potential CPU Steal using the commands detailed in this Community post:

In order to identify regional routing issues, we typically ask for bidirectional MTR reports that use the following syntax:

MTR from computer to Linode:

mtr -rwbzc100 $LINODE_IP

MTR from Linode to computer:

mtr -rwbzc100 $HOME_IP

Our tickets (and Community posts) understand basic Markdown notation, so submitting the MTR results to Support using individual "code blocks/fences" will help make sure the results are presented in a clean, organized manner:

Like this:

example command input
MTR output

For more information about troubleshooting Firewall settings, be sure to check out the following guide:


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