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Data Access S3

How is the availability of data. I can access the data instantly. or do I need to request it.

2 Replies

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Objects stored in Linode Object Storage are readily accessible as soon as they are uploaded, provided that your access controls and bucket policies are properly configured.

When it comes to accessing and interacting with objects stored in Linode Object Storage, you have a variety of access methods at your disposal:

1. Linode Cloud Manager

2. Linode CLI

  • Linode CLI is a straightforward command-line tool designed specifically for Linode's services. You can find detailed instructions on how to use it here.

3. s3cmd

  • s3cmd is a widely used command-line tool for working with S3-compatible object storage solutions, including Linode Object Storage. You can get started with it by following this guide.

4. s4cmd

  • If you're looking for a faster alternative to s3cmd, s4cmd might be your choice. You can explore this option through Linode's s4cmd guide.

5. Cyberduck

  • For a cross-platform graphical interface to interact with various cloud storage services, including Linode Object Storage, Cyberduck is a great option. Learn more about it here.

Additionally, Linode supports various AWS tools, which can be used with Linode Object Storage:


  • You can use the AWS Command Line Interface to work with Linode Object Storage. Check out the details in this guide.

7. AWS SDK for Python (boto3)

  • If you prefer Python, Linode Object Storage is compatible with AWS SDK for Python (boto3). Find out how to use it here.

8. AWS SDK for PHP

  • If you're working with PHP, Linode Object Storage also supports the AWS SDK for PHP. You can explore this option with the guide provided.

For additional information such as regional availability, limits and important considerations regarding Linode Object Storage, you can refer to the product documentation available here.

@eruzanski Thanks for your help!


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