What will be the fastest (best) linode region for hosting my website?

I have a website based on NYC related contents, mainly for NY people.
I'm transferring the wordpress website from my previous hosting provider to Linode.

What will be the fastest and best Linode region you suggest me to pick?

2 Replies


When using a Content Delivery Network (CDN), such as Bunny (a more affordable option) or Akamai CDN, the region where your server is located does not affect your users experience. If you choose not to use a CDN, selecting a server closest to your users location is recommended.

Suggested Region: (Newark, NJ)

I agree with @zample - your best bet is to pick a location that is closest to your customers or the users of your site. In this case, that's probably going to be the Newark location.

This guide on Choosing a Data Center has some great tips for helping you make your decision. Specifically, you can check out the Speed Test page to get an idea of the network latency in different locations.

You can also check out this post from our Community Site titled How do i move my wordpress site over? for suggestions on how to migrate your site to the Linode platform.


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