No match was found for ' '. Reverse DNS must have a matching forward entry. If your entry was added to your domain service recently, it may take some


((((No match was found for ' '. Reverse DNS must have a matching forward entry. If your entry was added to your domain service recently, it may take some )))

I'm facing issue where my emails, sent from my server , are not reaching their intended recipients at all. I've configured DNS records for my domain on Cloudflare, including DKIM, MX, and A records, which appear to be set up correctly.

However, the problem lies in the fact that when I attempted to set up RDNS for "" on Linode, I encountered an error message stating that "No match was found for ''." The error message also mentioned that RDNS must have a matching forward entry.

This RDNS issue seems to be having a severe impact on my email deliverability. None of my emails are reaching their destination,

I'm desperately in need of guidance to resolve this issue. Can someone provide assistance in configuring RDNS correctly to ensure my emails, sent from the server with the IP address , can be delivered successfully? Your help is greatly appreciated, Thank you!


11 Replies

Hi @Laith_ibrahim

Please view this document on how to set rDNS: Configure rDNS (Reverse DNS) on a Compute Instance

You may find some helpful information about emails by referring to this question. Reverse DNS problem


I have followed those steps as previously explained, and I am still facing the same issue.

Hi @Laith_ibrahim

Can you please tell me the results when you use this tool? Mail Tester

Hi @Laith_ibrahim

There seems to be a configuration error. Could you please send me the error logs? Please double-check if you are mailing from the correct authenticated subdomain and if ports 25, 465, and 587 are enabled.


Could you please run a few emails in debug mode and send me the error log? This will help me identify and resolve any issues. Thank you.


I am using the CyberPanel website, and I want to follow the steps for "Debug and Reset Email Settings using CyberPanel Cloud."

" "

I found a guide to follow these steps through this link: [].

When I accessed the website and went to "Connect CyberPanel → Connect in the top menu," I couldn't establish a connection. I had entered the server's password, as shown in the screenshot:

I contacted technical support and explained the issue to them, and it's strange that they are asking for the server's password. Is this normal?

Screenshot from the conversation:

Thanks for the help


CyberPanel has a good reputation with companies and users. I don't see why not; I doubt they'll do anything to ruin that trust.


After concted my server on CyberPanel, I encountered an issue with the "Email Debug" feature, which is currently inaccessible. I sought support from Linode regarding the SMTP server problem. They were able to resolve it by opening the necessary ports for the server.

As a result of Linode's assistance, the server is now functioning correctly. I conducted a test by sending an email through "mail-tester" and received a rating of 8/10. Enclosed, you will find screenshots illustrating the reasons behind this result.


Given these recent developments, i ask for your help in further improving the "Score." Any insights or guidance you can provide .

Thank you very much .


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