DNS Servers not responding to SOA query

I have migrated my webservers, dns, smtp, etc to a Linode instance. However, my server(s) are not responding to any SOA query for any domain name but all my records are correct, all correct TCP/UDP ports are open on my firewall service(s), but they still won't respond. These servers were working fine on bare metal boxes and the config is identical with the difference with the IP Address updated to reflect the static IP addresses I have with the Linode instances. Am I missing a step when I migrated my domains to Akamai/Linode? Any help would be appreciated!

1 Reply

Hi @Technical-Wolfe

Let's see, there could be a lot of issues wrong here. I want some logs if you can provide some.

Let's review the checklist. Have you double-checked the DNS Configuration, IP Address Binding, and Glue Records (if required)? Also, check for any conflicts between the Firewall settings on both the OS and the Linode Firewall.

If you want to use Linode's firewall only, follow these steps (steps vary by OS and software).

Let's try to turn off ufw

  1. Check if ufw is active
sudo ufw status
  1. If ufw is active
sudo ufw disable

Running Firewalld instead?

  1. Check if Firewalld is active
systemctl status firewalld.service
  1. If Firewalld is active
systemctl stop firewalld.service

Additionally, if you have iptables

You can turn that off by running

service iptables stop

You can also use Linode and System Firewalls together: Comparing Cloud Firewalls to Linux Firewall Software

Additional Guides

Migrate to Linode


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