Lassie after a reboot

This is not important at all, just was curious.
When I reboot my Linode from a shell (e.g., I type "reboot") I always get an email saying "Lassie initiated boot".

I understand that Lassie will boot the server if it's down unexpectedly. But shouldn't the server come back on it's own with the reboot command rather than needing Lassie to intervene?

1 Reply

When you disable Lassie, it's important to be aware that issuing a reboot command will result in your Linode being shut down rather than undergoing a traditional reboot. This is a limitation which stems from how Linodes are virtualized.

In this context, your Linode lacks the capability to directly communicate with the underlying hypervisor to request a reboot. Consequently, when you issue a reboot command from your Linode's shell, the host interprets it similarly to a shutdown command. This is where the "unexpected" shutdown comes into play from the host's perspective, subsequently prompting Lassie to initiate a boot job to bring your Linode back online.

While this process may seem somewhat unconventional, it serves as a workaround to replicate the standard reboot functionality. To put it simply, it involves a two-step procedure: an initial unexpected shutdown followed by a Lassie boot job. Without this mechanism, your Linode would merely power down when you execute such commands with Lassie disabled.

In essence, when Lassie is disabled, initiating command line reboots becomes unfeasible.

If you prefer not to receive account activity emails regarding these events, you can adjust your notification settings in the "My Settings" section within Cloud Manager. Within the "Notifications" box, simply toggle the switch to the "Off" position.


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