Where can I find the password for newly created Linode WordPress?

I've created a new Linode using the WordPress Marketplace image. While I was able to create an admin username, I couldn't find a place to set the password for the WordPress admin. I also attempted to retrieve the password from the dashboard login, but I never received the reset email. When I tried to update the password via SSH command, I encountered an 'access denied' error. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you!

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Following our Deploy WordPress through the Linode Marketplace guide, there's a section titled Obtain the Credentials. This section covers both how to access the Linode and where to go for the credentials once you've gained access.

In the options while deploying the Marketplace App, there's an option for disabling root access over SSH. If that was selected, you can use either:

Once connected to the instance, run the following command to get the credentials:

cat /root/.linode_credentials.txt


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