2023 and no real online volume resize

Is this really still not in the pipeline? How is it possible that to resize a volume either on a k8s cluster or an standalone linode I have to reboot the instance or unmount the volume (which will cause application downtime)

2 Replies

While this isn't something I've tested, you may want to check out the response to another question on our Community Site about Increasing the Size of LKE Volumes without rebooting. Those suggestions could provide you with some options.

For a standalone compute instance, you may want to look into Object Storage. It's possible that it's not the best option for your use case but it does avoid the specific issues you mentioned if you're working with a standalone Compute Instance.

I've also passed along your feedback in our internal tracking system. While we can't say if or when suggested ideas will be implemented, we sincerely value feedback from our customers. I've made sure this will be seen by teams that have the ability to introduce this feature down the line. This is something that's been suggested before, so I hope it's something we are able to offer sooner rather than later.

This is something we're still missing too (and we're checking the forums every 4 years or so to see if it's been solved yet). Is Linode's tech that different from other providers that it can't be built ?

https://www.linode.com/community/questions/20784/volume-expansion-in-lke#answer-81764 suggests detaching and reattaching the volume. As far as I know this works and at least reduces the downtime (but if you script a solution around this, make sure you actually wait for the detach to complete and not just wait for the detach API to return)

I'm sure you could throw something together with Linux's device mappers and actually suspend I/O to the device, detach, reattach and resume - which would be a cool workaround and not something I'd dare rely on in production


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