How to clone the existing linode instance to new instance with different domains/ssl certificates setup?


We are trying to create a test server using our production environment. We've tried restoring the backup of our prod environment instance to test server instance. However, we are having a hard installing the new ssl cert.

3 Replies

Hi @annborreo,

What's your environment like? (App, webserver, etc.) This information will provide me with a clearer understanding of the situation and how to proceed.

One thing to keep in mind with Backup/Image restoration is that since all files are duplicated, some configuration may include incorrect IP information. For example, if Network Helper is disabled on the new Linode, your restoration would use a different IP address in the /etc/network/interfaces file than the newly administered address.

Similarly, you will need to make sure you have an A Record pointing towards your new Linode, and all web server config blocks will need to use either the new IP address or domain record that has fully propagated.

What errors are you currently encountering when you attempt to generate the new SSL certificate?

Hi @zample,

We're using python, apache, and ubuntu.


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