Reverse DNS problem

Hi. I have bouncing emails and tests say my rDNS is incorrect.

My A/AAAA records are mail and example.localdomain (both looking to the correct IP)
The rDNS network setting is

The test says this
220 thebeatbali.localdomain ESMTP Postfix
Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner

Since I didn't set up this linode and I am a novice on linode in general I want to ask what is the example.localdomain for?

Can I just change the rDNS network setting to example.localdomain? Or do I delete the example.localdomain record and the rDNS will find the automatically, or do I have to change the hostname on Postfix to

I feel I could change the network setting to example.localdomain, but I'm not sure and that's why I'm asking.

Grateful for any assistance and I hope the description is clear.

Also, as a side subject, does anyone know about the DRONE BL blacklist and Linode? There appears to be something going on there and it appears to have an effect on my email deliverability.


2 Replies

Hi @thebeat,

Your SMTP banner is set to thebeatbali.localdomain, but your rDNS is set to They should match to avoid warnings.

Additional Information & Guides

Configure rDNS (Reverse DNS) on a Compute Instance

Linode typically assigns IPs with good reputations, but due to many blacklisting sites, it's almost inevitable to avoid being on one.

For assistance with your IP situation, consider contacting Linode directly. Additionally, you can check which blacklists your IP is on by following this link.

You might want to get SendGrid or a similar SMTP Provider. It's easier to set up and a better reputation.

Certainly! Changing the rDNS to "" is a good step. You can remove the "example.localdomain" record if not in use. Updating Postfix's hostname to match is also advisable. Check Linode's support for DRONE BL blacklist concerns. If you're a student looking for help with your assignments CustomWriting Service is the way to go! They're a great resource for all levels of students, and they have a range of services to fit your needs. I'm so thankful for the help I got from the writer I found on CustomWriting, and I'd definitely recommend them to anyone else.


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