Snapshot fails with no explanation?

Yesterday I attempted to do an OS update on a Linode, something went wrong and I restored the last backup, that went fine.
After doing some maintenance I successfully made a snapshot, as I thought this would be useful in case my next attempt to update also needed to be rolled back. This worked OK, but I ran out of work-day prior to my next attempt.

So today I wanted to make a fresh snapshot prior to re-attempting the OS update, in case something goes wrong, but it is failing almost immediately with the following message:

Snapshot backup failed on Linode (name). Learn more about limits and considerations.

It doesn't tell me why the backup failed, the linked information doesn't seem to explain it, as far as I can tell?
I have tried 3 times over a couple of hours, with the same result.

Update: a 4th attempt has been "Processing" for over an hour but says its taken 4 minutes.

1 Reply

Backend issues with the general Backup process can occasionally cause persistent issues without affecting the viability of existing Backup images. Typically the most common issue that will prevent new Backups & Snapshots from succeeding is known as a "stuck lock".

Normally, these locks prevent multiple stages of the Backup process from occurring simultaneously which can result in data corruption. When a lock becomes stuck, it prevents the Backup process from continuing or sometimes even starting. Again, this does not affect existing Backups and will only prevent new Backups from capturing.

Since Cloud Manager only alerts you to the fact that the Snapshot or Backup has failed, you should open a ticket or respond to an open "Backup Failure" ticket. This will allow us to investigate the cause of the issue, fix it, and restart the Backup process.


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