ssh into Compute Node takes forever.


I am having this issue since this morning. I've been trying to ssh into my node and it keeps hanging for a few minutes before resolving and showing me the password prompt.

I checked the Linode status page, but everything seems operational. I tried rebooting my node a few times, and that doesn't seem to help.
It used to work fine when I first set it up yesterday.

I then used traceroute for my domain, and it seems to reach all the way till here:

Before it starts hopping to the max hops.

I can easily reach via IP, but I want my domain to be used.

Checking my DNS manager, everything seems to be fine.
NS records are in Linode's NSs. A/AAAA records have my subdomain.
No CNAME entry.
TXT records have the default v=spf1 a ~all.

What could be causing this problem?

Using ssh -4 seems to work fine. Using ping6 hangs.
I don't seem to have any public IPv6 on my /etc/hosts. Is this a problem?

1 Reply

The issue resolved itself.
Could be just DNS propagation or other ports, besides 22, that I enabled.


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