linodes par machine and guaranteed Mhz


I am sure that I read about the ratio of linodes per server according to the plan chosen but I do not seem to find that information anymore on Also, I was wondering, if there is a guaranteed Mhz number such as at least 400Mhz. I remember reading about a guaranteed share of cpu but I cannot find that information anymore.


5 Replies


I need to add this back to the faq, but the contention ratios are as follows:

Linode 360: 40:1

Linode 540: 30:1

Linode 720: 20:1

Linode 1080: 15:1

Linode 1440: 10:1

The hosts themselves are 4-8 CPU cores operating at no less than 2Ghz each.


Just to clarify, does that mean that

a) All 4-8 CPU cores are shared by 40 Linode 360's


b) Each CPU core is shared by 40 Linode 360's (160-320 Linode's per host)

I think you mean (a), but I have seen providers quote CPU contention with the meaning implied by (b), so I just wanted to make sure I understood.


Each host is either 4 or 8 CPU cores. The ratio 40:1 means 40 Linodes sharing 1 host regardless of the number of cores in the host.


As for the guaranteed Mhz, that would be for a Linode 360 on a machine with 4 cpu cores at 2.8 Ghz, and for the worst case scenario:

4 * 2,800 / 40 = 280 MHz.

Thanks for the information!


Mhz is somewhat meaningless… For instance: we had Xeon 2.4Ghz processors on older hosts, and the new hosts have 2Ghz cores, which are something like 2x faster PER CORE than the old 2.4 Ghz Xeons. Many factors affect overall performance besides processor clock speed…

Just something to consider.



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