Install an Artheros AR9271 wifi Alfa adapter on linode kali linus

I'm running instance of Kali Linux on Linode. I plugged in the USB end of an Artheros AR9271 wifi adapter to my laptop and is not recognized by Linode. Is it possible to install the driver on my Linode server so my Kali Linux can see the artheros adapter?

1 Reply

Can you please clarify what you mean when you say:

I plugged in the USB end of an Artheros AR9271 wifi adapter to my laptop and is not recognized by Linode

What is the desired outcome of being able to connect your Linode to a wifi adapter on your local network?

As a virtualized computing instance, connecting a wifi adapter to your laptop will only be able to provide a wireless network connection to your laptop. The only "devices" that can be attached to a Linode are Block Storage Volumes to increase storage capabilities. No other analog devices can be mounted to your Linode since the resources are virtualized within a host machine.

Are you having issues connecting to your Linode while using the wireless adapter? If so, you may want to run through the steps for troubleshooting your SSH connection:


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