Web Based Firewall

I know certain CP's have build it functionality for this with iptables, but I am searching for a firewall that has a native web based gui. Does one exist?

I use to have a product for windows called kerio server firewall. It was a firewall with web based access, i dlike to have something like this for linux.

6 Replies


I know certain CP's have build it functionality for this with iptables, but I am searching for a firewall that has a native web based gui. Does one exist?

I use to have a product for windows called kerio server firewall. It was a firewall with web based access, i dlike to have something like this for linux.

Webmin has an iptables module that you could use, but learning something like Shorewall is not too difficult if you know a bit about networking.

Another possibility is that you don't need a firewall at all - just not running services you don't want the public to access is another solution.

Understood, I know Webmin has an IPTables module, I know most CP's have them for IPTables.

I am looking for more of a native web based firewall, similar to IPCops Interface. This seems impossible to find.

Webmin can be used to control Shorewall. I recommend Shorewall but I have never used the Webmin interface. In my experience, Shorewall is sufficiently easy to use that the web interface is not necessary.

Yeah, I attempted to use the shorewall interface for webmin. It was not all that simple or easy to use. It threw a lot of "fits". At that rate I'd rather configure it by hand.

Im attempting to read through all the documentation for my shorewall instillation, its not making much sense yet and all the example .conf files they refer to do not exist anywhere on my system.


Yeah, I attempted to use the shorewall interface for webmin. It was not all that simple or easy to use. It threw a lot of "fits". At that rate I'd rather configure it by hand.

Im attempting to read through all the documentation for my shorewall instillation, its not making much sense yet and all the example .conf files they refer to do not exist anywhere on my system.

On Debian and Ubuntu, they're in /usr/share/doc/shorewall/default-config. Otherwise, you can get them from the source tarball or SVN.

Yep, they were not in that directory. Completely empty. I'll pull them from the source code


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