email might have been marked as spam Steps taken to prevent this activity from reoccurring

Guys I need help please.

original message below from linode.

We have received a report of Spam originating from your Linode. This is most likely the result of a system compromise. If we have not heard from you in 24 hours, we may need to place network restrictions on your Linode to prevent further abuse.

In order to consider this resolved we will require the following from you:
Information about why this email might have been marked as spam
Steps taken to prevent this activity from reoccurring

what is the best way to solve this solution

1 Reply

It sounds like Linode have received abuse reports from your Linode's IP address.

Do you run a mail server on your Linode? If so, does that service need to accept inbound mail, or does it send outbound mail only?

Can you do:

telnet <your Linode IP address> 25

from your local network and does it connect?

If so, people may be using your Linode to send spam mail out - known as an open relay.


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