✓ Solved

Trying to verify domain ownership with GoDaddy

I have a domain on Linode and I'm trying to verify my ownership of the domain with GoDaddy in order to set up email. GoDaddy says to create a TXT record with the name "@" and provides a unique key to use as the value. I logged into Linode and found where to add a TXT record, but there's no "Name" field. There is a hostname field, but when I put "@" there, it won't let me save the record, saying that @ is an invalid character. Is there a different value that I can use, or a way around this restriction?

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Is the domain purchased through Godaddy? Or did you get it from another registrar? It seems a little odd if Godaddy is trying to verify ownership of a domain you purchased through them, since you should be able to authenticate in another way with them directly on their platform, but perhaps they have the same generic response to these sort of questions, or they are assuming it's a domain through another registrar.

In any case, you should be able to enter the unique string in the TXT record, but without the @ character, since that's not an acceptable character in that field.

More information on TXT records on our platform:

Beyond this, my recommendation is that if your goal is to simply add a TXT record to a given domain in our DNS Manager, then just leave the hostname field blank while you are verifying ownership with Godaddy.

After you get everything set up, I would wait maybe 30 minutes and then if you wanted you could probably just give Godaddy's support a call:


Thanks, leaving the hostname field blank seems to have worked! GoDaddy was able to verify my ownership of the domain with just the value filled in.

For anyone who has a similar issue in the future, https://www.nslookup.io/ was helpful for figuring out when the TXT record was propagated.


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