What does the "maximum of ten (10) combined instances" mean in the Promotions policy

I have recently signed up for linode to try with their 100 dollar free credit, however, reading the "User Outreach and Promotions Program", under Qualifying Services, there is a line stating:

"Linode promotional credit may only be redeemed for a maximum of ten (10) combined instances of the following unmanaged Linode services"

What does this mean exactly, for example, does that mean 10 instances running at the same time

1 Reply


This could be, for example, 5 Compute instances and 5 Block Storage devices attached to those instances. Or as another example, 9 compute instances and a single (1) Block Storage device attached to a compute instance.

Basically, an account with a promotional code active may have a total of 10 concurrent services at any given time.

In other words, you can have more than 10 services throughout the promotional period (10 one month, delete 9 of them, create 9 more then next month), and all of those services would be covered by the promotional code (provided you had remaining credits to cover the cost of those services). There can just never be more then 10 services active at the same point in time.

I hope that helps to clarify that material a little bit!



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