PHP Scripting Question


I am looking for simple simple scripts. PHP scripts that are not multi functional but straight to the point and basic.

For example, I use to have a script that was a commenting system. It connected to a mysql database and all that fancy stuff, but all you had to do to set it up was upload the single .php file and include ONE line of code in your index.php file for it to appear.

What are these scripts called, where can I find more of them of all different types, and why are they so %&*# hard to find?

I basically just want to put together my own site from scratch with PHP like I always have with HTML.


2 Replies

I think you bether learn PHP first. Because the most of those basic scripts you find on the internet are not secure. By abusing such a script, they can clean your MySQL database for example. Maybe you can learn some basic php stuff, and then use the PEAR framework so you can use functions written by other people.

Maybe get one of these simple 'PHP in 24 hours' books. They break down the various tasks in simple 1 hour lessons. That is how I started and now I do it for a living.


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