Hello I have a problem of is that I type a command in putty its puts me in localhost

Hello I have a problem of is that I type a command in putty its puts me in localhost

1 Reply

Would you mind clarifying what specific issue this is causing or what error messages you are receiving? The more details you can provide about the circumstances of what you expect to see or what is happening when you attempt to connect to your server, the better informed we will be when helping you.

If your Putty terminal displays your user as root@localhost, it sounds as if you have not changed the server's hostname. It's generally not best practice to allow root logins on a Linux server since all systems have a root user which can cause you to get hacked if not using appropriate security. If you have not done so already, it's generally good to create an alternate non-root user and add it to your sudo group.

I would highly recommend you review the steps detailed in the guide below to complete your server setup:

Otherwise, if you are having issues with Putty, I would recommend checking out our guides about using and troubleshooting SSH:


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