double login


1 Reply

Linode Staff

If you are ever concerned with an unusual login, changes made to your services or account information, and/or just want us to review your account for anything suspicious or malicious, here's your best course of action:

Step 1: Immediately reset your password - This will immediately close any existing login sessions which can disconnect anyone actively using your account.

Step 2: Enable Two-Factor Authentication on your account to increase your overall security and prevent anyone from accessing your account without physically having your authenticator device.

Step 3: Audit your API Tokens/Access Keys to ensure none have been created without your knowledge. If someone creates an API token on your account, they can continue to create/modify/delete services on your account even if you have already changed your password or enabled 2FA.

Once your account has been secured, you should send us an email from your current address on-file to, subject "Account Compromise", and include your username/email address and the last six digits of your current payment method. This will enable us to more fully review your account to ensure the compromise has been fully resolved and to help determine your next steps to restore any affected services.


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