rsync dies with kernel errors

we're running CentOS 5.0 and using rsync version 2.6.9 protocol 29 on the Xen dallas host

we have a job that runs every two hours that transfers a 50+MB file to another machine. the rsync dies in the middle with a seg-fault and the following messages go into /var/log/messages. (I think it might also be causing the virtual server itself to kernel panic.)

Jan 9 16:07:56 proteus1 kernel: EIP: [] vfs_getattr+0x3c/0x80 SS:ESP 0069:c81cbee8

Jan 9 16:08:00 proteus1 kernel: BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 3030325c

Jan 9 16:08:00 proteus1 kernel: printing eip:

Jan 9 16:08:00 proteus1 kernel: c016859c

Jan 9 16:08:00 proteus1 kernel: *pdpt = 0000000521b6a027

Jan 9 16:08:00 proteus1 kernel: Oops: 0000 [#39]

Jan 9 16:08:00 proteus1 kernel: SMP

Jan 9 16:08:00 proteus1 kernel: CPU: 0

There's more there….

Anyone experience this on the Xen hosts?

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