Outbound data increasing

My outbound data is increasing very much. While I do not do much activity on my server. And there is no load. Why is outbound data increasing?

1 Reply

It's hard to definitely say why your outbound data is increasing since we do not have any insights into your internal configurations. If you're looking to avoid unexpected account-wide network transfer pool overages, we recommend that you monitor your network transfer usage throughout the month to ensure that your services aren’t consuming more network transfer than expected. You can check your network usage for your current billing cycle via the Cloud Manager or the Linode CLI. I've linked to our documentation explaining how to monitor your network transfer usage. See below:

You'll also want to try and investigate why your Linode has been using more outbound data. One Linux command line tool you can use to investigate outbound traffic is 'tcpdump':

I also found this tool that purports to be a "net top" tool – essentially, it groups bandwidth by process:


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