VM Instance Scheduler

I am coming from Google Cloud and google cloud had a feature called instance scheduler which allows an individual to setup the vm instance for auto stop and start. Is this possible in linode vloud environment?

1 Reply

Stopping and starting your instance is currently a manual process. Additionally, the way Linode billing works, even if your instance is powered off, you will be charged for an active but unused service. In order to save on cost, your instance will need to be deleted, which is also a manual process.

We always appreciate hearing from our customers about how we can make improvements to our platform. With this in mind, I've gone ahead and submitted this feature request internally for tracking purposes. I don't have any kind of ETA to share on when something like this will be available, however, if we decide to pursue it, we'll make sure to reach back out to you and let you know when it's been released. In the meantime, be sure to keep an eye on our blog for all of our feature updates and announcements.


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