Linode IP flagged

Hello, I have noticed that when trying to browse in Chrome, I encounter the following message:

'We have detected that your router/modem may be compromised and part of the Meris DDoS botnet, or you are using a proxy associated with past Meris attacks. This page checks to see if it is really a human sending the requests and not an attack.'

I know that I can just click on the captcha, but in other providers, I'm not getting this message.

Why is this happening? Even if I change the IP, it keeps happening every few hours, and I cannot do my work properly because of this.

1 Reply

It sounds like you are using a proxy or VPN to browse the web. This kind of stuff happens pretty often. Some websites will outright not allow proxies or VPNs to access their site, rather than present users with a captcha challenge. I have even gotten timed out when google searching from my work VPN because a bunch of my colleagues were all searching things on the same network at the same time and, presumably the volume of traffic must have looked suspicious.

There are ways around this, like temporarily turning off the VPN or proxy when accessing the site in question, or having a VPN or proxy that allows you to use your local IP, or a different IP when not on visiting certain domains/subdomains (Split tunneling).

For what it's worth, I saw an identical question to yours posted on another forum with a potential workaround here:

An older Reddit post also discusses similar solutions to what I mentioned above:

Hope that helps!



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