Limit Kernel Memory LINODE360

Can someone please tell me the purpose of limiting the memory available to the kernel?

I have a LINODE 360 with apache2, php5, mysql5 and will be running 5 or 6 database driven websites. MP3's will be streaming randomly on each website though a flash based MP3 player.

What will limiting the kernel memory to 300mb instead of 360mb do? How about 256 instead of 360? 192, 128, 64?

> Memory Limit to MB

Maximum (360 MB) Enables you to limit the amount of Memory provided to the kernel. You have a maximum of 360 MB.

More Memory is available for your Linode. Click here for details

1 Reply

That setting limits the total memory available to the system. Reducing it is like downgrading your Linode. It's handy if you want to test a system's performance under limited resources (developers like to do that sometimes). For a normal user, just leave it set to the max.



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