Nodes Freezing


I've just migrated my linode across to the xen beta and it has started to freeze every 6-8 hours.

Is anyone else experiencing the same thing?

I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't migrate this node back to the production system and take a xen beta node just to tinker with instead.

6 Replies

I'm on fremont34 - no problems at the moment.

What do you mean by 'freezing'?

Can't login remotely

console unresponsive

websites stop responding

I've rebooted it after 30 mins of inactivity twice now

dallas38 is rocking on strong, no problems.


If there's nothing in your logs to show the source of the problem, then raise a ticket for caker to have a look at the host.



I've just migrated my linode across to the xen beta and it has started to freeze every 6-8 hours.

Is anyone else experiencing the same thing?

I noticed that mine had frozen (can't login via ssh, unable to login to host via lish, had to reboot via Dashboard) every morning for a few days…disabling my nightly Duplicity backup seems to have stopped it happening. I haven't had time to try to reproduce it on demand, yet.

2.6.18-domU-linode4 should have fixed this problem. If you've rebooted in the past week you're on that kernel.



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