Is Linode blocked by Twitter?

Starting this weekend, in the midst of the large-scale Twitter meltdown, I can no longer reach Twitter from any of my Linodes, spread around in four countries (Fremont, Tokyo, Mumbai, Toronto). Try any Twitter URL from these Linode machines and the browser shows "Nothing to see here" with the picture of a dog in a chair.

Since then, other "normal" users seem to be saying that Twitter is functioning again for them but nothing has changed for me trying to access Twitter via my Linode proxies.

(I'm sure this is not related to my particular Twitter account. I tried reaching the Twitter home page from a browser that has never signed into my Twitter account and it always fails.)

Is Twitter actively blocking accesses from Linode proxies?

Thank you.

24 Replies

From what I understand, Twitter does not ban IP ranges (such as Linode IP ranges in a given data center), but rather they ban/suspend users on their platform on an account level:

Have you tried using your Linode proxies and logging into another account? or have you confirmed that the same account that is having issues logging into twitter is capable of connecting at all?

Beyond this, I am aware of larger-scale twitter changes to their API and how many requests can be made for all account levels, with unverified accounts having the lowest number available to them, so if the account you are attempting to use has maxed out the number of API requests (see: you have looked at enough content), you could also be experiencing issues with data rendering, longer load times as a result of those changes:

In this case, reaching out to Twitter support for additional support/details is probably a good idea.

Hope that helps!


Thank you for your answer!

Your answer mostly is saying that I should investigate whether the issue is related to the particular Twitter account that I'm using, instead of an IP-level issue.

As I was saying in my initial question. I'm 100% certain it's NOT a Twitter account issue. One reason I'm sure is that I did the following test:

I installed xfce4 on a Linode, remotely VNC'ed into it, installed Chrome from scratch on the Linode, so it was a completely clean install, of a clean browser, that had never been used for anything, let alone Twitter, and I use that Chrome browser to simply visit Twitter's home page at and I get the "Nothing to see here" dog page.

There's definitely no Twitter account issue. I mean I was not even given the opportunity to log into any specific Twitter account!

(So this also says it's not a proxy issue, since I'm using the Linode directly, not as a proxy.)

All I'm asking is: can you please verify whether you can reach Twitter from other Linode IPs (beyond the five Linodes that I have in four different countries)?

In fact, if there are particular Linode locales where Linode IPs seem to be working with Twitter, I'd be happy to swap one of my existing non-working Linodes for a working Linode!

I understand what you're saying in the link that Twitter does not ban IP ranges. But that article was dated Nov of 2022. Things might have changed now (to put it mildly). In particular, since Elmo was complaining about scrapers, they might suspect VPS hosts being used for scraping.

Note that if it's indeed Twitter blocking Linode IPs, I'm actually NOT asking for a fix from Linode--Elmo (or his Twitter) is not someone/something that can be remotely reasoned with. I'll just have to look for alternative means.


(Oh yeah, I should also add that there was no nefarious bot or scraping activity from my Linodes. Just the slow, most normal, human, boring scrolling of Twitter page, before it all went south.)

I also have the same isuess, I use linode vps to download the twitter home page is also a 404 error

Thanks for the confirmations guys!

I ran more tests and, together with what you guys just said, we can be quite certain now that it's indeed due to Elmo's latest handiwork.

Greetings, I have the same problem as well but weirdly enough I still receive notifications from the app and that's all that works. I hope a solution arrives soon.

Similar here for me about phone app notifications, but I think this behavior is somewhat understandable.

I live behind a censorship firewall, so Twitter doesn't work by itself. But delayed Twitter notifications occasionally slip through the censorship firewall, without us doing anything funny. This has always been the case. Not related to Elmo's latest exploits.

When I need to use Twitter, I manually connect the phone to a Linode proxy, and when I'm done, I disconnect. These days, due to Elmo's blocking, absolutely nothing gets through when I'm connected to a Linode proxy. Not the tiniest chirp.

But if you disconnect from the Linode proxy, the occasional slipping in of the notifications through the censorship firewall kicks in every once in a while as usual.

So yeah, ironically, you get a little more tiny chirp through without our clever Linode proxies!

Me too, my linode IP( is also blocked by twitter. I can access twitter using other IPs but not from linode VPS.

My instance in Atlanta, GA couldn't access twitter starting from last weekend either. So I believe indeed twitter blocked Linode's ip address.

Yes. I also found the same problem - all nodes of Linode are unable to access Twitter.

But I have a solution: use dnsmasq and customize Twitter's dns parsing.

I no longer expect Linode or Twitter to solve this problem.

We are experiencing this issue as well. For example, invoking curl on any non-Linode machine returns a 215 status code as expected, but across all of our Linodes it returns 404.

Me too.

I use the Linode vps as proxy, I visit the twitter website or using twitter app, I got the "Nothing to see here" with the picture of a dog in a chair.

But, when I use Cloudflware Warp as proxy, It's ok.

So, I guess the twitter maybe block some IP range of Linode.


I facing the same issue.

I can confirm that Linode IPs is blocked by twitter even we not have an account logged in.

Hope Linode Team can contact Twitter Elonmask to solve this problem!!

Thank you

Same here. I get 404 while trying to access Twitter's API. But requests go through when made not from Linode.

Get the same issue. Hope Linode Team can contact Twitter Elonmask to solve this problem!!

Thank you

Vultr and other providers are all working. I suspect there’s a lot of bots on Linode’s and it’s triggered the ranges to get rate limited or banned :/

UPDATE 05/07/2023 [8:22PM GMT]

It's working again guys, y'all can retry it.

Yup it's working now! Thanks, funflipeltd. (That was unexpected!)

Still unable to sign in or create account using a browser or APP

Yes, I have the same problem, if have logged in to twitter before and it is not expired, it seems that accessing has fixed it,
But there is still a problem accessing,
Can not normally register or log in to twitter

Yes, I have the same problem, if have logged in to twitter before and it is not expired, it seems that accessing has fixed it,
But there is still a problem accessing,
Can not normally register or log in to twitter

I can access index,but can not log in.
still can not access .


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