Advice on setting up multiple domains on one linode?

Hello! So Im trying to set up a linode with a few different domains that I have. They are all projects that I did and dont expect heavy trafic on any one of them so it seems a bit wasteful to set up 5 different nanodes as opposed to a 4gb linode where there can a a bit of storage or maybe set up a mongodb instance on a single dedicated server. So my first question is -

  1. Should I do this - do any of you reccomend doing this?
  2. Would you reccomend a dedicated or a shared CPU instance for this?
  3. Can I do this does linode allow for multiple domains to have the same AAAA values etc?
  4. How does one do this is there a guide somerwhere on NGINX (NGINX is the only thing I've ever used)

1 Reply

There's a few existing Community Site threads that cover these topics:

To address your concerns, it is indeed possible to host multiple websites on a single Linode server. Personally, I recommend opting for Dedicated compute plans to ensure the highest levels of reliability and performance. However, if you have more casual websites with lower traffic demands, Shared compute instances will suffice perfectly fine.

When using Nginx, you can easily configure multiple sites by creating a new server block for each site (for more information, please refer to the link provided below). Additionally, it is entirely feasible to have multiple sites with the same DNS records, as long as your web server is properly configured to appropriately route the requests using Nginx server blocks.


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