What is "Connection closed by port 22" mean?

I just signed up for Linode. I'm getting the above error.
It doesn't allow me to put in my password.

1 Reply

The message "Connection closed by port 22" indicates that the SSH connection to the server at IP address on port 22 was terminated.

This could be due to various reasons, such as session inactivity, underlying network changes, or server configuration changes. Though, as you mentioned reconnecting no longer prompts for a password, it sounds like a few changes may have been made in your sshd_config file - namely disabling password authentication and/or enabling public key authentication.

I was just able to ping the address over port 22, so you should be good to establish connections. Thus, authentication may be the issue here as noted above. Luckily, if you're locked out of your server, you can always access your Linode via Lish.



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