Unable to access api

Hello there,
we are not able to access this api hosted on your server "http://apitest.wpeka.com:3000/scan"
we are getting "Cookie Scanner API is not available now. Please try again later."

Our plan for this server was stopped on Friday, 23rd Jun and we started it on Monday again but still we are facing the same issue.

Thank you

2 Replies

If your server was shut down and restarted, it's possible that the service you had running on port 3000 did not restart once your instance was booted back up. In fact, when I check the port right now, I can see that it is closed:

nmap -Pn -p 3000 apitest.wpeka.com --reason

3000/tcp closed ppp     conn-refused

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.31 seconds

Again, this indicates that there is no service running on port 3000.

To fix this, you want to restart whatever service is running your API. Once you do that, your issue should be resolved.

Our services are supported by RunCloud and we have stopped the payment for RunCloud also for some reasons. Can this be the reason for port 3000 not getting started.


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