Public Key

Please I want to add a Public key to my instance, but am not able to do that

1 Reply

Are you receiving any specific errors or have you followed any guides so far? In general, the more information you provide in your post, the more context everyone will be when offering help.

In case you have not visited any of our getting started guides, we detail how to upload your SSH Public Key in these two great Docs Guides:

Otherwise, without more context, it sounds like you might be encountering a permissions issue where either your ~/.ssh/ directory and/or your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys files do not allow you to modify them. Permissions need to bee set as follows:

  • ~/.ssh/ 700 - sudo chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh/
  • /.ssh/authorized_keys 600 - sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

These commands will set your ~/.ssh/ directory to have read/write/execute permissions for only your limited user, and read/write permissions for exclusively your user for the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file. If permissions do not allow you to modify this directory or file, this may have prevented you from uploading your key.


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