How to enable port forwarding ?

Can you enable port forwarding for the following ports;
docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 5222:5222 -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 8222:8222 -p 8199:8199 -p 587:587 -p 7777:7777 whatsapp_proxy:1.0

I have installed docker to use WhatsApp Proxy but when I tried to access its not opening because ports are not opened in this server ip.
Can you please enable all the above ports for me? ref


1 Reply

The only port listed above that requires permission to open are SMTP port 587 (as well as 25 & 465), so you will need to open a new Support Ticket (if you have not done so already). Otherwise, none of the other ports would be restricted by default and will only open if you map a service to listen for connections on that port.

Since you are using Docker, their documentation should be helpful to determine if the port was actually published or not:

Additionally, since you included an IPv4 address, I performed an NMAP port-scan to gather more information about your port status:

80/tcp   open     http        syn-ack
443/tcp  open     https       syn-ack
5222/tcp filtered xmpp-client no-response
8199/tcp filtered vvr-data    no-response
8222/tcp filtered unknown     no-response
8443/tcp filtered https-alt   no-response

Ports 5222, 8199, 8222, & 8443 are all listed as filtered (not closed) which means that they are likely blocked by a Firewall. Since these are not standard ports that we block, you should review your Firewall rules to ensure you can access those ports:


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