how do i transfer 2 dollars to my credits

hello world,

i have transferred 10 dollars to my linode account as i thought i could pay for 2 months like that, but no, i cant, actually it made it worse, its 6.05 dollars for me as i live in lithuania and am taxed 21%

now, im stuck, i have 10 dollars in my account and next month is basically have 4 dollars left … and they will never be used as 5 dollars is the minimum and ill keep shoving 5 dollars into linode and wont be able to use the 4 dollars

i dont want to buy any services bc all services linode provides are either provided by me or other services, my goal isnt to spend it on random things, but on my 1 gb linode

thanks for the help in advance

( for the record, i understand i can transfer 8 euro next month, but like come on )

10 6
4  8
12 6
6  6

i really just want to pay for 2 months in advance, not more

i probably need 13 anyway, so 3 dollars, as the .05

1 Reply

If I'm understanding your question correctly, you're concerned that your positive balance of $4 will not be applied towards your future invoice. With how our billing system works, whenever there's a positive balance on an account, it will automatically be used towards any future invoice. For example, if you have a positive balance of $10 and your July's invoice is $6, you'd have $4 left on your account. When August rolls in, that $4 will be used towards August invoice instead. This is explained further in our billing's guide below:

I'd like to also mention that the $5 minimum is the per dollar amount that can be used to deposit into an account. If you plan to prepay for 2 months in advance, the positive balance on your account will automatically be charged first no matter the minimum that's on your account. So you should be able to make a payment on the account for 2 months in advance without leaving any credit.


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